governance and responsibility

To always evolve in the right direction.

Tonello’s Corporate Governance is set up to ensure effective and transparent decision-making processes.

While maintaining the distinctive traits of a family-owned company, corporate management is entrusted to a Board of Directors to which managers of proven competence and experience report.

The Company operates in an environment that is international in scope and constantly evolving, in which it is essential to ensure compliance with current regulations and to base corporate action on ethical principles.

To this end, the Company has adopted a Code of Ethical Conduct and has complied with regulatory provisions by activating an internal channel for reporting wrongdoing (whistlebowling).


a step forward in transparency and responsibility

Our new whistleblowing platform is online, a step forward in our commitment to a transparent and responsible work environment. This tool allows our employees and contractors to confidentially report any unethical or non-compliant behavior.

The platform is a concrete expression of our desire to maintain and strengthen the trust and integrity that characterizes our company.

It is an online reporting system that welcomes, even anonymously, violations or misconduct within the company. The platform is in line with EU Directive 2019/1937 and Legislative Decree 24/2023.

We guarantee maximum protection for whistleblowers, ensuring confidentiality and defense against retaliation or discrimination. This channel is dedicated exclusively to violations under current regulations.

To make a report in writing or by voice message, press the button below. Alternatively, if you wish or feel it is appropriate, you also have the option of requesting a meeting with the Reporting Manager by clicking here.

Our daily source of inspiration

Tonello’s Code of Ethical Conduct, updated in 2023, reflects the fundamental principles and values of the Company, of which it guides all activities and decisions. Essential for all employees, collaborators and partners, this code represents a commitment to:


  • Legality and Compliance: Tonello is committed to always operating in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations
  • Loyalty and Transparency: the company promotes loyalty and transparency in internal and external relationships, upholding fairness and good faith in all its operations
  • Social Equity and Value of the Person: Tonello is dedicated to respecting fundamental human rights, rejects all forms of discrimination and promotes a fair and dignified work environment
  • Diligence and Professionalism: commitment to excellence, product quality and constant innovation are key elements, with a focus on effectiveness, efficiency and professional ethics.